Centro Ecológico Alcanforado
para Iniciação de Jovens (> 16 anos) à Idade Adulta
e as Sociedades Regenerativas
Desenvolvimento Humano | Educação | Arte |
Empresa Social | Desenvolvimento Regenerativo | Ecologia
"True creativity doesn't just make things; it feeds what feeds life. In modern culture where people are no longer initiated, the spirit goes unfed. To be seen, the uninitiated create insane things, some destructive to life, to feel visible and powerfull. These creations are touted as the real world. They are actually forms os untutored grief signaling for the true reality of village togetherness.
The result of this uninitiated approach to life is violence, spiritual and otherwise, where the hoarding of wealth, street violence, the soul-curdling banality of popular television, and the creation of weapons of mass destruction are all considered status quo."
in Secrets of the talking jaguar, Martin Prechtel
> Colaborações <
* Programa de Introdução às Sociedades Regenerativas para jovens (cima dos 18 anos) e adultos. Presencial (e.g. ISEG, ISCTE) e online.
* Programa de Empoderamento Emocional 2024 (e.g. 12 sessões semanais de 1,5h) para jovens de 21 anos, finalistas dos cursos do ISEG (Universidade de Lisboa). Este programa também acontece online para pessoas acima dos 18 anos.
* Vivência em Teoria U para jovens universitários com cerca de 21 anos, para uma Fundação portuguesa, em colaboração com Vasco Gaspar
* Vivências em teamwork (trabalho de equipa) em Sociedades Regenerativas, para jovens de 19 e 20 anos do ISEG (Universidade de Lisboa).
* Vivências de 3 dias em Sociedades Regenerativas, para jovens de 16/17/18 anos, 10º e 11º anos do Colégio Valssassina, Lisboa.
> Sobre Iniciação <
"(...) The first layer of remembrance is childhood, the time of movement, where you become a visible, moving part of nature and the village.
The second layer is the crucial time of adolescence. This is the layer of visibility, vision and breath the layer of wind. This is the layer of emotion. The young men and young women of the Tzutujil are like shining warriors and shimmering girls full of visibility. This time os life is a time when remembrance becomes a way of life through large piblic ceremonies of initiation.
Next comes the sub-adult layer of creation: the creation of water is the layer where one began makinf life, the layer of baby-making and marrying. the makinf of blood and blood relations. This is the layer of abundance crops, rains, middle life. Here one's initiaion into public hierarchy begins, and here initiation ceremonies differed a little from the adolescent, as they were done in small, more primitive settings.
Then comes the layer of trees ans plantes, the land of being an adult or elder. We called the adult-elders Big Trees, Big Vines. These elder-trees provided the shade for the others layers t grow and develop.
Finally one gained the layer os stone and fire, the world of original, memory, the world of roots. These very ancient people were dried by the heat of memory, which is why they were so slim. At some point after entering this stage of initiation , they began to remember everything, and actually turned into memories themselfs, memories that would echo through the layers os creations. These people were called Culba Vinaaq, Echo Persons. you could tell who was an echo person by the fact that anybody who saw them wanted to live more than before. Their words and very excellence of being echoed long after they disappeared, inspiring the rest os the world to sing, harmonize, and try to echo, too."
'Secrets of the Talking Jaguar', Martín Prechtel
Está é forma Maia. 5 fases de iniciação ao longo da vida, cada fase com os seus próprios processos e cerimonias. Servia o propósito de viver uma vida em harmoria com a Vida e com sua aldeia/ tribo. Como é o processo de inciação na nossa cultura e que propósito serve ?
E qual o processo para a cultura que segue e que propósito segue ?
Peter Ellyard about 'Initiations' with Clinton Callahan
https://youtu.be/EOPuFJRHQmY (~12m)
Iniciações para uma próxima vultura a partir do Possibility Management:
-----------> Sobre Idade Adulta <
"Adult is a person taking unconditional Responsibility for being centered in a self-authorized storiless Minimized Now and Minimized Here. The originator of Transactional Analysis, Dr. Eric Berne in his famous Parent Adult Child Egostates Thoughtmap (to which Possibility Management has added three more Egostates, namely, the Gremlin Egostate, the Demon Egostate, and the Archetypal Egostate), recognized that the Adult Egostate is when a woman or man has power because they are being themselves with their own voice and their own Authority in the present. Through Possibility Management research we have discovered that the free-and-natural initiated Adult Egostate also turns out to be the gateway to Archetypal Domains, perhaps the most rewarding facet of life as a human being (with perhaps the exception of tasting Clinton Callahan's Mom's World's Best Brownies from 1950). The Possibility of gaining access to the edgy ecstasies of the Archetypal Domains is why ongoing Adulthood Initiatory processes are at the center of Archiarchy cultures. On another note, we have discovered that it is far more common than we once believed that, as a powerful Survival Strategy, children contaminate to some percentage their Adult Egostate with their Child Egostate, their Parent Egostate, and/or their Gremlin Egostate. This Survival Strategy works brilliantly... however, the cost is extremely high. One cost is that you do not get to be Adult, which means you are blocked from accessing the Archetypal Domains where 5 Body Intimacies and ecstasies begin. You are instead forced to remain in conditions of merely Surviving, where you are limited to experiencing Gremlin intimacies. Discipline and diligence are central to De-Contaminating Your Adult Egostate. Decontaminations are difficult. Nobody can do it for you. It is possible to do it. It is worth doing. Nobody can stop you from doing it. (That last statement is our personal opinion, meant to encourage you to try your best.)"
in https://distinctionary.mystrikingly.com/
Qual a concepção de 'idade adulta' que nos serve para uma evolução cultural que respeite a Vida e Gaia ?
No dicionário de lingua portuguesa da Priberam "adulto é um adjectivo e nome masculino que:
1. Que ou quem já está em idade compreendida entre a adolescência e a velhice.
2. Que ou quem já atingiu todo o desenvolvimento."
Perspectiva da idade adulta para uma próxima cultura a partir do Possibility Management:
Idada Adulta - ponto de origem da autoriadde (intenção da inciação a adulto):
* Culturas ancestrais: ponto de origem da autoridade da tribo
* Cultura Moderna: ponto de origem numa ou mais autoridade externa: pais, familia, escola, religião, empresa, governo, patriarcado, plano de vida linear
* Próxima cultura: ponto de origem da autoridade no próprio (seu contro)
-----------> Sobre Jovens <
"18, What Now?" by Gabriela Fagundes (22 anos)
Conversa entre Charles and Philip Eisenstein (pai e filho, 18 anos) sobre iniciação a idade adulta entre 2 gerações (~65m)
Entrevista com Aron Areias (18 anos) sobre a co-criação do seu caminho (~50m)
Entrevista com José Donado (28 anos) e a sua caminhada até ao Centro CO.RE (~55m)
Entrevista com Patricia Herdeiro (29 anos) e a sua caminhada (~50m)
> Sobre Sociedades Regenerativas <
> Sobre Empresa Social <
Social business was defined by Muhammad Yunus as a business:
* Created and designed to address a social problem
* A non-loss, non-dividend company, i.e.
1. It is financially self-sustainable and
2. Profits realized by the business are reinvested in the business itself (or used to start other social businesses), with the aim of increasing social impact, for example expanding the company’s reach, improving the products or services or in other ways subsidizing the social mission.
Unlike a profit-maximizing business, the prime aim of a social business is not to maximize profits (although generating profits is desired). Furthermore, business owners are not receiving any dividend out of the business profits, if any.
On the other hand, unlike a non-profit, a social business is not dependent on donations or on private or public grants to survive and to operate, because, as any other business, it is self-sustainable. Furthermore, unlike a non-profit, where funds are spent only once on the field, funds in a social business are invested to increase and improve the business's operations on the field on an indefinite basis. Per Yunus: "A charity dollar has only one life; a social business dollar can be invested over and over again."
in Muhammad Yunus "Building Social Business"
Entrevista com Frederico Fezas Vital do Yunnus Social Innovation Center da Católica Lisboa.
> Sobre Desenvolvimento Regenerativo <
Regenerative Development (RD), as developed by the Regenesis Institute since 1990, focus on building a clear vision of potential of place and a vocational calling strong enough to mobilise the local population towards realising that potential*
The Potential for Regenerative Development
“While regenerative development needs to happen all over the planet, the complex interface between human systems and natural systems must be studied, understood and navigated uniquely in each unique place. This means there can be no template or set of best practices for regenerative work. Instead, practitioners from a broad range of different disciplines and community sectors must come together to engage in deep and sustained co-learning, inquiring together into how to practice the art of regeneration in that place.”
How can Regenerative Development contribute?
* Regenerative practitioners are those who feel called to intervene in the systems that shape their human impact on the world they inhabit, to create new potential for how human communities interact with their natural contexts.
* A hallmark of the regenerative practitioner’s mindset is the understanding that being successful in our work will require that we grow ourselves beyond the capability that we currently have. Regenerative practitioners are committed not only to valuing nature’s needs, but also to becoming fluent in nature’s language; to think like nature thinks so that we might work in co-evolutionary partnership with her.
Entrevista com Nuno da Silva sobre Desenvolvimento Regenerativo em Portugal.
> Sobre Ecologia <
> Sobre Desenvolvimento Humano <
> Sobre Educação <
> Sobre Arte <
> Referências <
Livros sobre iniciações, idade adulta e jovens
Of Water and The Spirit by Malidoma Patrice Somé
Secrets of the Talking Jaguar by Martín Prechtel
Long Life Honey In The Heart by Martín Prechtel
Building Love That Lasts by Clinton Callahan
Parte do conteúdo acima é originario do Possibility Mangement - ver entrevista com Joana Cruz (~55m) https://youtu.be/tI-O5fTtmn4
> Contactos <
Para mais informações contactar Marco de Abreu (www.marcodeabreu.com) e Julie D' Andrimont.